election 2022

Mike Myatt

Thank you Saugeen Shores residents for the confidence you have placed in me. While being acclaimed for the next four year term is humbling, rest assured I will never take your vote for granted. I will continue to make every effort to make a difference with areas of most importance to you, and while we may not always agree, I will listen to your concerns and then make informed decisions.

Four years ago, one of my campaign promises focussed on affordable and attainable housing. Since making my promise to assist those with low to moderate incomes and in great need of affordable housing, I believe we have made great progress. Are things perfect? Absolutely not, however, progress is being made. Over 800 new rental units have been given preliminary approval for construction with sod turning for the first 240 units on the horizon. Your current Council has passed a new policy that now permits secondary dwelling suites which adds more rental properties, which will hopefully lead to lower rental costs due to supply and demand, and Bruce County recently announced new funding for rent subsidies.

Over the next six months I will be advocating for new Habitat for Humanity builds that would result in several families owing their first ever home in the $300,000 range. Our current prices for a newly built 1,400 square foot home is well over $700,000 which is simply not reachable for those wanting to invest in their first ever home and I want to help make this happen for you. Saugeen Shores has caught the eye of many commercial investors, but to add new storefronts and food services, expanding our labour market is essential. We can only expand our labour market if additional affordable housing units are added and I will not rest until housing for all is addressed.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to co-chair the Lamont Sports Park Illuminating Dreams fundraising campaign with community volunteer Robert Stanley. We surpassed our initial goal of $1 million and raised $1.7 million. I wish to thank our community for “stepping up to the plate” with your contributions. Lamont Sports Park is going to be a world class facility for all to enjoy with six ball diamonds, accessible playground, trails, community pavilion and more and this facility will also create tremendous economic spinoffs for motels, restaurants and local business in general. A special thank you to our Lamont Sports Park Committee.

Planning for our new aquatic facility, walking track and other amenities has finally come to fruition, and while the process has been a very long journey dating back to 2005 when I served as your Director of Community Services, we are looking for construction to begin in 2023. A new pool facility to replace our aging 50 year old pool is long overdue. Other amenities being considered include gymnasium space, walking track and fitness equipment.

A building permit for Cedar Crescent Village has been issued. The investment being made by private investors will inject new life in to our Port Elgin Waterfront. It is important to have a nicely landscaped area with curb appeal, and I will continue to ask pertinent questions that ensure this development is one that our broader community will be seen as beneficial to our community. All regulations have to be met at the local and provincial level and all regulations will be met.

With over 10,000 construction workers on site over a 20 year period at Bruce Power, relating to the $12 billion refurbishment program, and combine this with those retiring from Bruce Power along with an influx of those wanting to relocate to Saugeen Shores, our population growth is inevitable. It is important that staff and Council continue to practice good planning principles to ensure that tree planting and other important environmental concerns are in the forefront. I have always promoted enhanced landscaping plans with new developments, and I will continue to be a strong advocate in this regard, I will also be supportive of cost efficient solutions contained in the recently received recommendations from the Environmental Stewardship Adhoc Advisory Committee, led by Councillor Cheryl Grace and her hard working group of volunteers.

Having a safe and environmentally friendly community with a broad range of services is important in my view, and I encourage current members of Council who have been acclaimed, and to those newly elected Council members, to continue along a path of providing amenities that support changes that lead to safe and healthier lifestyles.

Please reach out to me at if you have matters that you wish to discuss.

The above information was provided to Saugeen Shores Hub by Mike Myatt.